Apeldoorns Christelijk Mannenkoor
More than 150 times played this month
On May 4, 1926, Messrs. Beauveser, Beeuwkes, Besaris, Havenaar, Huigen, Roukema, and Zindel decided to establish the Apeldoorn Christian Men's Choir. Little could they have imagined that over 85 years later, their names would once again be listed in the program booklet for an anniversary concert of 'their' choir. Credit where credit is due, for it must be admitted that these men had foresight: there was and is plenty of enthusiasm for the choir!
The ACM of today is a different men's choir than it was back then, with lighter and occasionally even contemporary music.
The performances – and there have been quite a few over the years – are testament to vision and daring approach, which consistently results in concerts with renowned celebrities. Not very surprising, as the group was inspired for all those years by skilled and inspiring musical leaders.
The choir had the privilege of performing with, among others, Albert Kuiper, Alina Sokolova, Antoinette Tiemessen, Bernadette ter Heyne, Bert van den Brink, Carol Saint-Clair, Caroline Kaart, Feike Asma, Geert Gringhuis, Greetje Kauffeld, Hans Scheijen, Jan Vayne, John Janssen, Marjon Lambriks, Meindert Boekel, Piet Boekel, Reinata Heemskerk, Rudolf Schock, Thérèse Steinmetz, and Vicky Brown.
In addition to musical appeal, the choir is not lacking in visual appeal. Thus, a beautiful black standard bearing an impressive coat of arms and the text 'Apeldoorn's Chr. Men's Choir' in gold letters often found a place on the stage where performances were held. Apart from concerts, the standard can be admired in the CODA Museum. Furthermore, within the choir, there is always much attention to clothing.
Eighty-five years of making music: not a record, as there are men's choirs with an even more venerable age. But what is not yet, may still come, because the men of the ACM are far from done singing!