Arie de Bruijn
More than 990 times played this month
Arie de Bruijn studied organ with, among others, Cor Visser, Lambert van Eekelen, Ton Kos, and Cor Ardesch. In 1977, he obtained the diploma "Church Organ Playing" from the Reformed Organists Association, and in 1981, the "Diploma Church Music" from the Committee for Church Music of the Reformed Church.
He has been an organist for over 50 years, serving as the organist of the Reformed Church "De Morgenster" in Papendrecht for 35 years. Arie de Bruijn is the regular accompanist of Vocaal Ensemble Cantica from Almkerk. He is also associated as a continuo player with Ensemble Lyrico.
He performs as an organist and harpsichordist and serves as the chairman of the Foundation for Saturday Afternoon Concerts in Papendrecht, for which he received a Royal decoration in 2004.