Bovenstemgroep ''Scherpenisse''

More than 50.3k times played this month

The Upper Voice Group Scherpenisse originated from the Reformed Congregation in Scherpenisse and has grown into an interdenominational upper voice group with all spontaneous singers from the island of Tholen who like to sing upper voice. By spontaneous we mean that we sing without a conductor and that everyone is welcome, including singers who still want to learn or who want to sing along with the normal voice.

We regularly practice on Saturday evenings in the Dorpskerk or the Hoeksteen building from 6.45 pm to about 7.30 pm (with the exception of the months of July and August), using our own collection of upper voice notations in which more than 75 psalms and about 25 hymns are included. We keep the members informed via a group app. New members are welcome and it's completely free.

We are regularly invited to participate in Psalm singing evenings. Several recordings have been made in which The Upper Voice Group Scherpenisse has cooperated, which can be listened to on Familystream. In the worship services in the churches in Scherpenisse and also in other places on the island of Tholen, psalms are regularly sung with an upper voice.