Chr. gem. zangver. 'Ex Animo' te Zwartebroek

More than 1.087 times played this month

Who are we?

Ex Animo is a vibrant choir.
Mainly because of the singing, of course, but also because of the interaction with and the attention for each other.
We live with each other in good and sad moments.
At wedding anniversaries, but also at weddings and funerals.
At births and also in illness.
We pay a lot of attention to each other.
The rehearsal evenings are characterized on the one hand by hard work, especially when there is a performance coming up, but also by conviviality.
Singing is and remains the consideration:

singing gives you energy
it keeps you busy
it makes you happy
it drives away bad thoughts

But also:

singing relaxes
you achieve something together
you are out for the evening
The crowning glory of all singing is giving a performance together, that is a special experience that you want to experience again and again.