Chr. Zangvereniging ''Con Amore'', Opheusden

More than 1.681 times played this month

B.C. Singing association "Con Amore"
When Opheusden was largely destroyed by the war in 1944-1945 and everything looked desolate, the residents had to start rebuilding the village, which would take years. At that time - in 1946 - a Christian singing association was founded by Mr C. J. Zijlstra, head of the school. Especially in difficult times, it is stimulating to sing and thus draw strength from your faith. Since then, all Opheus residents have been able to sing in this interdenominational choir, which now has almost 170 members (mixed and children's choir). Over the past 45 years, the choir has had an indispensable place in the village community, and in recent years also far beyond. Under the inspiring leadership (since 1987) of current conductor Cees Meijering, new members arrived and the choir reached unprecedented heights in terms of number of members and musicality. The permanent organist of this choir is: Maarten van Dijk, who is also an organist at the Ned. Rev. Church of Opheusden and Zetten.
Con Amore wishes every listener a lot of pleasure when listening to this CD, which was made on the occasion of the 45th anniversary.