Corianne van Wijnen
More than 928 times played this month
* Started flute lessons at the age of 10 at the music school with Els Peeters.
* In June 2011, admitted to the preparatory course at the Utrecht Conservatory at the University of the Arts Utrecht, with
Caroline Ansink and Aldo Baerten.
* A year later, completed a year of preparatory training at the Fontys Conservatory with Edith van Dyck.
* Admitted to the first year at both institutions, but chose a different field of study, Social Work.
* Making music remains a great hobby. Subsequently, took lessons with Lucija Stilinovic, Hazar Birkan, Erik Verbeek, and
Marjolein de Wit. Currently taking lessons from Marjolein de Wit.
* Works with great pleasure with the homeless at the Salvation Army in Dordrecht in daily life.