Duivelands Mannenkoor, Oosterland

More than 20.5k times played this month

The Duivelands Men's Choir has been in existence since May 19, 1981. The purpose of the choir is to sing psalms, spiritual and patriotic songs. Both in the soft à cappella pieces and in the jubilant hymns, a clearly recognizable, pure sound can be heard that is characteristic of the Duivelands Men's Choir. At the moment the choir has about 55 members who come from the area of Schouwen-Duiveland, Goeree-Overflakkee, South Holland and Tholen.

Our conductor since January 2015 is Bram Bout (1963) from Tholen.
Since June 27, 2019, Rob den Hertog (1999) has been the organist of the Duivelands Men's Choir.