Elspeets Mannenkoor ''Con Amore''
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Elspeet's men's choir 'Con Amore' (the name means: 'with love') was founded on January 27, 1967 and has about 80 enthusiastic members from Elspeet and the surrounding area. In addition to psalms, the repertoire also includes hymns, spiritual songs and patriotic songs. For the first 25 years, the choir was led by fellow townsman Gerhardus Bossenbroek and organist Gerrit Jan van Asselt. Now Gerrit Knikker from Elburg has been the conductor for many years and Jan Post from Elspeet is organist. Con Amore rehearses every Friday evening from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm in building 't Kerkerf behind the Reformed Church in Elspeet. Wondering if singing at Con Amore is something for you? You are welcome from the age of 15!