Eva Corenwijck
More than 104 times played this month
Eva Corenwijck, born on May 23, 1906, became known as a writer primarily for her children's books, her contributions to the magazine "Eskol," and the various sermons and catechism lessons that she recorded in her own shorthand, without knowing shorthand, and later elaborated into books. Her notes from the catechism lessons of Rev. Abr. Hellenbroek, transcribed by her and later revised by Rev. J. Fraanje in Barneveld, are still known. Eva Corenwijck would transcribe such sermons and lessons and have them corrected and authenticated by the ministers. Thus, when the cassette recorder had not yet made its appearance in worship services and catechism evenings, many sermons and lectures were preserved.
In 1991, at the age of over 84 years, the formerly well-known writer Eva Corenwijck passed away in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Mrs. Corenwijck, who was married to Jac. Bout from Tholen and whose real name was Aartje Korevaar, was cared for in a nursing home in her later years. The Bout family emigrated to Canada in 1951.