Fred Mann
More than 7.7k times played this month
Fred Mann plays various panflutes, but as an all-round musician he also plays the recorder, transverse flute and notched flutes.
After studying at the Utrecht Conservatory, he was part of the Radio Chamber Orchestra for decades and enjoyed teaching the Utrecht Music School students.
When he became acquainted with the pan flute music of Gheorghe Zamfir about twenty years ago, he wanted to make this music his own. To this end he was taught in Romania by a student of Zamfir and then by Zamfir himself. This study and his flute and recorder experience eventually led to the making of 7 LPs and CDs with various genres of music. He also gives concerts accompanied by orchestra, organ and harp.
He performed several times for radio and television, also abroad. Fred Mann's repertoire also includes works composed especially for him, such as 'Rapsodie per nai ed orchestra' by Julius Steffaro; 'Toamna', ballad for pan flute and orchestra by Willem Strietman and 'Pan' for pan flute and harp by Nico Brandon.