Gemengd koor met Hart en Stem, Veenendaal

More than 3.3k times played this month

The choir of the Reformed Community of Veenendaal was founded in 1975 and celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. The choir has grown into an enthusiastic ensemble with approximately 85 members, ranging in age from 16 to 88 years old. The choir is under the musical direction of Arie Kortleven, who has been conducting the choir since January 2012.

The choir performs about 6 to 7 concerts annually, both independently and in collaboration with other choirs. They sing Psalms and spiritual songs. In 1997, we recorded the CD 'Kom ga met ons' in the Old Church of Veenendaal, and in 2011, the CD 'I will continue to praise Him in my song'.