Hanneke van Tol

More than 682 times played this month

Hanneke van Tol was born on 15 June 1978 in Hilversum. The love for singing and music had a big place in her upbringing. There was a lot of singing and music at home, going to concerts and also learning to play various instruments in those years. During her training at the teacher training college, choral singing had an important place and she followed a module 'choral conducting'. In 1996 Hanneke started as a conductor. First from the children's choir in Lelystad. After a number of substitute projects, she has been with a lot of love and enthusiasm for youth choir Kinderklanken in Nunspeet for many years now. She followed, among other things. a coaching program with Peter Eilander. The children not only learn to sing musically beautifully, but also how to interpret the message of the Gospel well.