Interkerkelijk Psalmzangkoor ''Jong Crescendo''

More than 4.1k times played this month

The choir is well-known and beloved for singing only the Psalms from the 1773 versification in a non-rhythmic setting. Every week, the choir members rehearse to develop their knowledge of singing and music, enabling them to perform the Psalms appropriately.

We practice every Tuesday evening from 6:45 PM to 7:30 PM at the Zuiderkerk, Zandlaan in Ede.

The choir is led by conductor Mirjam Morren and accompanied on piano or organ by Lucas de Heer.

The interdenominational Psalm Singing Choir ‘Jong Crescendo’ is a youth choir that originated in 1994 from the adult choir ‘Crescendo’.

Throughout all these years, between sixty and eighty children practice the Psalms and the Only Songs according to the 1773 versification in a non-rhythmic setting every week. This makes the choir unique and beloved, as only a few children's choirs in the Netherlands sing in this manner!

The choir is divided into two parts, a soprano and an alto part. Usually, one part sings the so-called church voice, while the other group sings the second voice. The musical result is a beautiful expression of the rich content of the Psalms. Special are the Psalms where the choir sings the counter-voice or for which the conductor or organist has composed a special piece.

The choir regularly performs and contributes to evenings in care homes.