Jeugd- en Meisjeskoor ''De Jonge Lofstem'', Lisse
More than 1.741 times played this month
Youth and girls choir "De Jonge Lofstem"
The choir "De Jonge Lofstem" was founded in 1968; Mr H.C. Segers was the first conductor. The choir soon grew to approximately 70 boys and girls. Over the years, the number of boys gradually decreased, leaving only girls.
When Mr. Segers was unable to conduct in 1979, his son Theo was put in front of the choir. Gradually the situation developed that father Henk took a seat behind the organ, became the permanent accompanist and Theo took up the baton. In 1980 the choir contributed to a Christmas LP. of the mixed choirs from Lisse and Leiden. Three years later, the choir recorded an LP/MC with the title: "Bless others but also me", a recording with simple psalms and hymns, especially intended for small children.
Over the years, the choir "De Jonge Lofstem" grew into an enthusiastic group of 120 members. In 1989, a CD/MC was recorded for the benefit of the ZOA refugee care foundation with the title: "God is everywhere". In addition to the permanent employees, Han also worked
Kapaan (oboe) and Peter Eilander (piano).
The Christmas CD/MC "God in our midst" was recorded on May 19, 1990. Due to busy work, father and son Segers have stepped down as organist and conductor respectively. "De Jonge Lofstem" is now led by Eric v.d. Beek, while Peter Wildeman has become the supervisor. To this recording, "Praised be God", recorded on November 16 and 17, 1990 at the request of the Youth Association of the Ger. Municipality members and former members contributed.