Maria den Hertog

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The mezzo-soprano Maria den Hertog studied with Margaret Roest as part of a preparatory program, followed by lessons with Meinard Kraak at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, earning her teaching diploma in 1989. She attended masterclasses with John Cage (modern music), Jard van Nes and Robert Holl (romantic songs), and sang in productions of Rameau and Lully under the direction of William Christie, who described her voice as "large and lyrical."

With her vocal range and unique tone, Maria performs both alto and second soprano parts in oratorios (such as Vivaldi's Gloria and J.S. Bach's Mass in B Minor) as well as mezzo roles in opera (e.g., Carmen). In 2000, she played the lead role of Maria in West Side Story in a production in Philipsburg, on the Dutch Antilles.

Her voice is particularly suited to more dramatic mezzo-soprano music, such as Les Angelus by L. Vierne and Duruflé's Requiem. She is also a sought-after alto soloist in pieces like Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle, Brahms' Alto Rhapsody, and the cantatas and oratorios of J.S. Bach, G.F. Handel, F. Mendelssohn, and many others.

In 2009, she released her solo CD, Bereite dich, featuring German Baroque and French Romantic repertoire for mezzo-soprano with organ and piano. She also sang as a substitute in the Dutch Radio Choir for several years.

Currently, Maria is active alongside Paula Bär-Giese and Hans Meijer in performances of music from the life of Martin Luther, as well as in a duet program featuring music by Dowland. She regularly gives concerts with organist Anna Karpenko and performs with pianist Ineke Opstal at (house) concerts.

Since 2004, Maria has been a choir conductor for two a cappella choirs in Amersfoort and Leusden, with whom she gives annual concerts. In recent years, they have performed Vivaldi’s oratorios and Bach's Christmas Oratorio in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amersfoort. In 2007 and 2012, she completed the Kurt Thomas Conducting Course, and in 2015, she successfully earned a choral conducting diploma from the Utrecht School of the Arts.

In March 2016, she founded the Veluws Vocaal, a group of 12 talented singers with whom she studies and performs beautiful a cappella music.

In addition to her conducting work, Maria maintains a comprehensive teaching practice for students of all ages and gives workshops in Western choral singing and vocal technique both in the Netherlands and abroad.