Psalmzangkoor Tehilla

More than 737 times played this month

On October 23, 1998, the interdenominational mixed psalm choir Tehilla was founded in Alblasserdam, under the direction of conductor Wolfert Jumelet.
Tehilla's aim is to compile and bring to life an extensive collection of Psalm settings from the 16th to the 18th century, with occasional trips to later periods.
These settings are presented together with appropriate rhymes, such as those by Datheen, Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Revius and the rhyming from 1773, and so on.
In 2012 conductor, organist and harpsichordist Gerard de Wit from Zwijndrecht took over the musical direction. At that time, the choir was in a period of declining membership.
To breathe new life into the choir, a Worp project was started in 2016 under the inspiring leadership of Gerard de Wit. The aim of this project is to rehearse all 150 psalms in Johannes Worp's setting in four voices and to release them on CD. The first CDs have already been successfully released and the choir is enthusiastically working on the sequel.