Shaare Zedek Koor, Alblasserdam

More than 5.9k times played this month

The Shaare Zedek Choir is a mixed choir that was founded in 1995 with the aim of making a trip to Israel in 1997, partly through the initiative of musicians Henriëtte de Bat - van Maelsaeke and Peter Wildeman. After this first trip, the choir continued to exist at the request of the enthusiastic members.

The choir is currently conducted by Mark Brandwijk and is accompanied by Arie van der Vlist. The approximately 140 members come from all parts of our country. The music is usually composed or arranged by the conductors themselves. The repertoire consists of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Because the choir feels a strong connection with Israel and the Jewish people, many songs relate to this. Everyone who loves to sing is welcome to join our choir!

The goal of the choir is to introduce the Bible to as many elderly and young people as possible in the country. The choir has tried to achieve this goal in the past through visits to Israel (1997, 1999 and 2009). These trips were very successful. Members can tell you about this in a tasty way.

The second goal is to support the Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

By holding singing evenings and all kinds of promotions, such as ticket sales, item sales, etc., the choir saves money. The sale of several of their own CDs has also made a significant contribution. The money raised in this way is intended for the Shaare Zedek Hospital.

The name Shaare Zedek comes from Psalm 118 and means: "Gates of righteousness". The hospital provides assistance to all people of any skin colour, nationality or religion. By supporting it, we show something of Christian charity. The funds are paid through the Shaare Zedek Foundation.