Tienerkoor ''Jedidjah'', Veenendaal
More than 1.498 times played this month
Our teenage choir was founded in the autumn of 2010 and originated from the children's choir. It was then given the name “Jedidjah”. That is Solomon's nickname (2 Samuel 12:25). Jedidjah means: Beloved of the Lord. And then it says: For the LORD's sake. Jedidjah; loves him, not because of his origins or because of anything in himself, but because the Lord loved him! The choir wants to convey this by singing psalms and spiritual songs. The choir is currently under the enthusiastic leadership of Jolanda van Dam and our regular pianist Lucas de Heer. The choir consists of boys and girls from group 7 to 18 years old. They rehearse every Thursday evening from 7:10 PM to 7:55 PM. The teenagers sing the more extensive pieces of music and learn to sing their own part. This makes it extra fun to be in this choir. The teenagers from groups 7 and 8 also sing along with the children's choir to provide support. So they start at 6:30 PM and continue singing until 7:55 PM. The teenagers in secondary education do not practice together with the children's choir. They also do not sing along with the performances of the children's choir. The teenagers in groups 7 and 8 did! The teenage choir often sings along with the performances of the children's choir. During these performances they always sing 4 or 5 songs alone. The teenage choir also gives independent concerts; on average twice per season. Then they participate in various singing evenings in beautiful churches organized by foundations or they give a performance in a nursing or care home.
Do you want more information? Send an email toteenkoor@gergemveenendaal.nl