Urker Mannenkwartet
More than 3.7k times played this month
In October of 2010 the Urk Men's Quartet was founded. Four enthusiastic Urk friends, led by conductor Roelof Elzinga, started as a group for a CD recording of Alice Baarssen. It clicked so well that they joined forces and approached Gerwin van der Plaats from Kampen as conductor and accompanist. This turned out to be a bull's eye. Not only because of his enthusiastic way of rehearsing, but especially because of his humor and musicality, every performance becomes a true party! In December of the year 2010 3 performances took place in Staphorst, Harskamp and Nunspeet. This last performance caused such a stir that the foundation for the young quartet was laid. The members of the quartet have gained a lot of experience as soloists with the Urk Men's Choir "Hallelujah" and the Urk Fishermen's Choir "Crescendo", among others. They also took singing lessons with Marjo van Someren in Kampen. In the meantime, numerous concerts have been given and the quartet has collaborated on various CD recordings. The primary purpose of the quartet is to sing to the glory of God!