Vrouwke Klapwijk
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Vrouwke Klapwijk (born 21 June 1956) is a Dutch children's book author and former teacher. Klapwijk grew up as the eldest in a Protestant family of five children. After primary school in Soesterberg, she went to HAVO in Amersfoort and attended teacher training colleges. After her studies, she worked for a while as a teacher at the Groen van Prinstererschool in Bunschoten-Spakenburg.
In 1991, Klapwijk signed her first book, Bas halen zijn A. She also works as an internal supervisor at a primary school and helps children with learning difficulties. In 2002 she founded her consultancy firm "De Kinderboekenwijzer" in Voorthuizen, where she advises schools and libraries on the purchase of children's books. She is currently writing many children's books with illustrators such as Fija Philips-Meijer, Magda van Tilburg, Marja Meijer, Irene Goede, Tiny van Asselt, Iris Boter and Roel Ottow, Willeke Brouwer, Yvonne Jagtenberg and Peter van Harmelen.