Willem Arie den Hertog

More than 61.6k times played this month

Willem Arie den Hertog was born on 31 May 1977 in Dirksland. From an early age, he was fascinated by music. At the age of 17 he took up the baton for the first time, which took place at the founding of the youth choir 'Con Amore' in Melissant. Willem Arie founded this choir with a number of friends. He has been associated with this choir for about 10 years.

Willem Arie wrote the following about his position as conductor of the Youth Choir Jigdaljahu:
From 1999 to 2013 I was able to feel connected to – and especially with! – youth choir Jigdaljahu from Barendrecht. The motivation and drive of these young people was wonderful to experience every time. I was particularly struck by the fact that so many young people wanted to set aside an evening to sing from God's Word.

It was and is my prayer and desire that choir members and listeners are touched by the lyrics, in such a way that it changes lives. So many situations are sung about in the songs, but from the Bible there is a word from the Bible for everyone, in whatever situation. In this way, through song, we try to give a message of encouragement for the despondent, a message of comfort for the desolate, a message of strength for the powerless and a warning for those who harden themselves. It was and is my desire to put my finger out through the singing, as it were, and point to the Lord Jesus, because with Him everything is available for everyone who has nothing left. Grace, not cheap, but for nothing!. You'll never stop singing about that.