Willem Weijland

More than 47 times played this month

Willem Weijland became the organist of the Noorderkerk in Ede at the young age of 16. He studied at the Amsterdam Conservatory under Cornelis de Wolf, Anthon van der Horst, Sem Dresden, and Hendrik Andriessen. He gave numerous organ concerts. In addition to his work as an organist, Willem Weijland was also active as a choir conductor. In 1946, he was appointed as the organist and head of the music department of the NCRV (Dutch Christian Radio). In this capacity, he made recordings in the St. Joriskerk in Amersfoort of his own fantasy on the Evening Hymn and the Finale of César Franck. As far as is known, these are also the only recordings made of the Naber organ in the St. Joriskerk when it was still located in the gallery.