Wim Posthuma

More than 19.6k times played this month

Wim Posthuma
Wim Posthuma was born in 1982 in Oost-Souburg. Wim had an early interest in music and enjoyed it very much when he was little to listen to a CD of a choir and play conductor. Wim had organ lessons for a number of years, but that soon turned out to be not quite his thing. He soon found out that singing in a choir was more up his alley. Wim started singing at Matthanja te Goes together with some friends. At one point he was present at an orange singing evening of the Walchers Mannenkoor in the Ter Hoogekerk in Middelburg. After this evening and the call for new members, I decided to go to the Walchers men's choir where I sang as bass for years. In 2006 I moved to Goes and then I joined the Men's Choir de Lofzang in Goes, where I still sing to this day. Outside the male choir De Lofzang I also sing with various other male choirs and youth choirs.
Wim Posthuma has been conductor of children's choir Jong Asaf for more than 10 years, which consists of more than 60 members. Every week I gain new energy when the rehearsal is over. It is a pleasure to be able to make music with such a group and to play it at different locations.
Besides singing, I also really enjoy organizing singing evenings. For this I am part of the Zeeland Zingt Foundation, which every year chooses three goals to collect for a whole year. For more information, please visit www.stichtingzeelandzingt.nl

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