Wouter Harbers

More than 27.5k times played this month

Wouter Harbers (1986)
Making classical music accessible to everyone. That is the mission of pianist Wouter Harbers. Lovers of classical music, but also people who have never been to the Concertgebouw, are treated to the most beautiful music in the world.

Wouter interweaves his concerts with interesting information and fun facts about the music. This results in a new listening experience. Due to the interaction between pianist and audience, the atmosphere is relaxed and cozy. Wouter's coffee concerts are a good example of this. He now gives these at seven locations throughout the Netherlands.
Several sponsors discovered Wouter's talent, so he can offer many of his concerts for free. This makes them accessible to a wide audience. A small team around Wouter ensures that he can continue to develop his musical activities. Wouter enjoys working with musical colleagues. Together with them, he turns every concert into a party.

Wouter recently made his debut at the Concertgebouw in a sold-out Recital Hall. He studied at a high level with Wibi Soerjadi and during masterclasses in Oxford, for which he was selected from an international group of pianists. Wouter also released four albums. In addition to playing the piano, he conducts. For example, he was on the stand for Handel's Messiah and Ein deutsches Requiem by Brahms. As a pianist, Wouter played several piano concertos, including Chopin's First almost ten times.

Ab Nieuwdorp, presenter 'Music at the table', Radio 4:
"A new star in the piano firmament!"